A downloadable Manbiki Shonen Clone

Created for the Society of Play's Glube Jam, this is just a project I started to learn a bit about NES development and 6502 Assembly. It is not in anyway a "game" or "fun" or even "worthwhile for the player." I did learn a lot, and will continue to poke at this rudimentary game to learn a few more things about these topics. It's been fun to do, even if the product currently is not fun.

You'll need to load this into an emulator to move Glube around a single-screen playfield. That's all you can do! That's it.

You can move Glube around! Imagine that money or objects appear that you must pickup before being spotted by the roving security team. Imagine the $ value increasing as you pick up each item. Imagine!


glube.nes 40 kB

Install instructions

Download your favorite emulator for the NES and open the .nes file into it. It should work. I have only tested this on FCEUX, so it's possible that other emulators may have issues.


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